While my husband is home with the flu today, I'm getting a chance to slog away through my references, as I keep adding sources to the The List. It's amazingly slow going, and I'm finding that those nice long annotations I'd hoped to include have been whittled down to mini-blurbs instead.
I'm struck yet again, as I sift through The List, at how many helpful sites there are out in Webville these days. Ten years ago, I would have been compiling a list of library books, not web sites, and even then your local public library might only have stocked a few of them, the rest having to arrive by interlibrary loan. If you're a writer, then you know as I do how wonderful it is to be in the middle of a story, realize you need a description of a certain forensics technique, say, how a bloodstain pattern analysis would affect where a murderer and the victim should be placed, and voila! You can go to a web site and find out that very thing.
I guess I've had the most fun with the Crime Scene Investigation part of The List thus far. I have to try and not get too side-tracked or I'll get lost in there for hours, but there's a lot of fascinating information available. I'll try to hold on to that thought as I get ready to slog through the Dictionary and Encyclopedia category. Some of those are pretty eccentric, some esoteric, but hopefully all of them will come in handy to folks out there. Still to come -- Forensics, yay! I may have to leave a trail of bread crumbs when I start working in there...
Anyway, The List and links over to the left will lead you to the web site where they're being archived, so you can stop on by and check out the progress. Hopefully, you'll find something new in there.
Happy reading, writing, and researching!