If you enjoy author Q&A's like I do, here are three recent interviews with three very different author perspectives:
Crimespree featured Andrew Grant (Lee Child's brother) currently on tour for his debut novel Even. He says "Every decision relating to Even was based on what I like to read. My plan was simple - to put in lots of the things that I enjoy in thrillers, and none of the things that I don’t."
In give-and-take with Anthony Neil Smith, editor of Plots With Guns and author of his latest novel, Hotdoggin', Smith said "I write about the stuff that scares me. I write about stuff that goes farther than I would in my own life, because those are the things that get under my skin the most."
And Carolyn Hart held forth over at the Mysterious People blog, revealing that "I’ve visited the locales of all the books written since Death on Demand. Once I set a book partly in the Philippines which I have never visited and a woman who grew up there asked me how many years I’d spent in the islands and I knew my library research had been successful."