After seeing many blogs and articles about the various reasons writers can't seem to find their way to butt-in-chair mode and start a project (or even continue an existing one), I decided to compile a listing of what appear to be the Top Ten such excuses (with a teensie bit of personal experience mixed in for good measure):
- I'm not talented enough. If you feel uncomfortable with your level of talent, take a writing class. Also, take comfort in the knowledge that every author starts by simply putting word #1 down onto paper. After all, you never know if you'll be good at something until you give it a go.
- When I sit down to write, nothing comes out. Try making an outline, even a small one. Come up with character names and engage them in imaginary conversations in your head. Keep a small notebook at hand at all times (or audio recorder) to take notes when ideas strike you while shopping, exercising, in the middle of the night, etc. Don't get into perfection mode right away; writers' block can happen if you rewrite every sentence before moving on. As Michael Crichton said, "Books aren't written — they're rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn't quite done it."
- My ideas seem terrific — until I try to write about them. See Michael Crichton above. That's what editing is all about. A perfect first draft is extremely rare (if not impossible).
- Writing a book seems like an impossible dream. I'm too overwhelmed. One writer, Debra Koontz Traverso, compared writing to having a baby placed in your lap the moment you wanted one, for which you are totally unprepared. After all, conception is followed by nine months of growth, preparation and development, just as an author needs time to research, prepare and organize the many aspects of writing a book.
- I'm too old to start. There’s no minimum or maximum age requirement. Authors like Harry Bernstein had their first book published at age 96. Although Alan Bradley had collaborated on a work of nonfiction, his first crime fiction novel, Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, was published when the author was 70.
- There's too much competition. Audre Lorde said that there are no new ideas, only new ways of making them felt. Even with 275,000 new books published each year, you are a unique individual with a unique take on life. Work hard on developing your own style and your own voice.
- I don't have enough money. All you need to start writing is a pencil, notebook and public library access. If you have your own computer, more's the better.
- I don't know any literary agents. Very few debut authors do, at first. Check the acknowledgment sections in the fronts of books, go to conferences, check out agent blogs and search through other online resources like this listing of agent search sites. After all, you probably didn't know a financial planner or plumber before you needed one. It takes research.
- If the book doesn't sell, I'll have wasted all that time. Many authors don't sell their first book until after they've written book #2, 3, 4, or more. J.A. Konrath didn't sell his novel until he'd amassed more than 500 rejections searching for agents and publishers. Perseverance is the key. If that first book doesn't sell, consider it an exercise in learning to be a better writer. Write because you love it, because you're compelled, even obsessed to write.
- I don't have enough time to write a book. Everyone has responsibilities and demands on their time. Many writers stay up late to write or get up at 4:00 am to catch a few hours. Some set goals of simply writing 500 words a day. If you truly want this, you’ll find the time and make it a priority. If you wait until you have a four-hour block each and every single day to pursue your writing career, it'll never happen.
As Annette Fix pointed out, here is only one viable reason for not pursuing your writing as a career: someone is reading this blog post as a eulogy at your funeral right now. Don't let your life pass you by without pursuing your dream. Just do it.
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Posted by: Loalpanywonia | April 01, 2013 at 10:36 AM