...at least for 2010. The International Mystery Writers' Festival, also known as "Discovering New Mysteries," has been held in Owensboro, Kentucky for the past few years to celebrate mystery-themed plays, some of which have gone on to win an Edgar Award.
Like many other conferences and festivals during the recent economic meltdown, IMWF has been struggling to stay afloat and had counted on the state of Kentucky's funding to help with the event this year, but it won't be in time for the 2010 celebration.
However, festival organizers are optimistic enough to say they'll return in June 2011 with a full festival, as in the past. (Considering how many Hollywood celebrities have been involved in the productions, you'd think one or two would be able to step in and help.)
Entries already submitted to the festival contests will remain under consideration for the following year, and the deadline for submissions has been extended through October 30th.