If you need a breather from the annual Thanksgiving madness, here are a few fun links for your holiday amusement:
Janet Rudolph has posted her listing of Thanksgiving-themed mysteries (and those set in and around the season) on her blog Mystery Fanfare.
Not to be outdone (or is that overdone?), Murder, Mystery and Mayhem offer up their roster of culinary mysteries.
Mystery Lovers Kitchen is always cooking up interesting fodder for the culinarily-inclined fan of all things crime fiction. This week, there are a few recipes that might help make your meal a little more savory.
George Kelley reviews the sequel to Harold McGee's classic, On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, a book titled Keys to Good Cooking.
Hallie Ephron and the other authors over at Writing Well is the Best Revenge have a posting about monster turkeys terrorizing innocent Americans.
Not holiday-themed, but fun all the same, Patti Abbott's La Ronde flash fiction round-robin buffet is already up to part 8, but if you've missed the others, she has links to those, too.
If you also missed this month's conference Murder and Mayhem in Muskego (as I did), Publishers Weekly has a smorgasbord roundup of all the highlights.
Sisters in Crime reminds us to think about independent bookstores when heading out on "Black Friday" for Christmas shopping. The IndieBound site has links to locations near you. Many an author's career has been launched at such stores.
And, finally, the real way to a man's heart and his . . . well, um, interest.