Now that your bank account is drained and your credit cards are maxed out, here are a few contests you can enter and a couple of freebies, to boot.
The Women of Mystery are giving away copies of the anthology Beat to a Pulp: Round One, stories chosen from the Beat to a Pulp e-zine. While you're there, check out the interview with editor David Cranmer.
Declan Burke and Quercus are offering three free copies of Three Seconds by Roslund and Hellström. To win one, share what your fantasy crime-writing duo might be: James Ellroy and Janet Evanovich? John Connolly and Michael Connelly? Ken Bruen and Stieg Larsson? Elmore Leonard and Patricia Highsmith? The "quirkiest, most apt or simply the funniest entries go into the hat, with bonus marks for a quick synopsis of your fantasy duo’s novel."
John Kenyon, over at Things I'd Rather Be Doing, is sponsoring a short story contest. Your mission: Write a crime fiction story of between 1,000 and 3,000 words based on the premise of an actual children’s fairy tale. The top three winners and "most inventive recasting of a fairy tale" will receive books.
The Best Damn Creative Writing blog is holding a Holiday Swag Bag Giveaway. Today is the third such entry, so hop on over, leave a comment, and you may walk away with an "awesome swag bag filled with books."
In honor of the launch of Mark Timlin's new book 101 Best TV Crime Series, the author and publisher are sponsoring a free e-book offer (but only for those who have already published a physical copy of the book). Even if you don't have the book, you can add your own TV favorites on the web site. Otherwise, the book's available at discount for a limited time on Amazon (both U.K. and U.S.).