Time is running out for you to register for three different hands-on workshops to learn the science and logistics behind criminal investigations:
- The Art & Science of Investigation workshop for mystery writers takes place this weekend in Bryan, Texas, but there are still places left (you must register by the 9th). Speakers will include Suzanne Lowe and Jorge Molina, both forensic artists with the Texas Rangers, Jeff Tomberlin, a forensic entomologist, and Steve Smith, a cognitive psychologist and expert on memory and eye-witness testimony.
- The National Institute of Justice is holding a free 3-day Public Safety Summit on Forensic Science October 18-20 in Clearwater Beach, FL. The event is designed for non-scientists in law enforcement and officers of the court. Registration closes 9/15/11.
- The 2011 Writers' Police Academy is slated for September 23-25 at Guilford Technical Community College and Public Safety Training Academy in Jamestown, N.C. The Firearms Training Simulator workshop is sold out, but you can still register for the other panels, including everything from crime scene investigation to handcuffing and arrest techniques.
As Lee Lofland, the founder of the Writers' Police Academy notes, "Sweat now, so your manuscript won't bleed red ink later."