Patti Abbott's latest flash fiction challenge is based around one of her favorite painters, Reginald Marsh. To join in, write a story in any genre of under 1,000 words based on one of Marsh's paintings by October 18th. If you don't have a blog, Patti will post it on hers, and she will also donate $5 for every story submitted to Union Settlement, a social service agency in East Harlem.
NoirCon 2012 is sponsoring a poetry contest, for—what else?—noir poetry. For the purposes of the contest, noir poetry is defined as (1) Poetry that makes reference to the subject matter, dialog or style of film noir or the hardboiled detective genre, or, (2) Poetry that invokes stark urban landscapes and atmosphere, and which either alludes to crime and perilous attachments or else seems to bear dark knowledge of this territory, or (3) Poetry that tells the story of tortured souls – lovers, psychopaths, obsessives – driven down deadly paths, following desperate plans that are doomed to failure. (Note: there is an entry fee.)
The first issue of Pulp Modern has been released. The quarterly e-zine features crime, fantasy, and western fiction. The debut edition includes tories by Jimmy Callaway, James Duncan, C.J. Edwards, Garnett Elliott, Melissa Embry, Edward A. Grainger, Glenn Gray, David James Keaton, John Kenyon, Chris La Tray, Yarrow Paisley, Matthew Pizzolato, Thomas Pluck, Stephen D. Rogers, Sandra Seamans, Copper Smith and a classic tale by pulp fiction pioneer Lawrence Block.
The first Crime Factory anthology is out, featuring stories culled from the online 'zine. Authors include Ken Bruen, Leigh Redhead, Charlie Stella, Dave Zeltserman, Dennis Tafoya, Roger Smith, Craig McDonald and Adrian McKinty, to cult favorites Frank Bill, Scott Wolven, Nate Flexer, Andrew Nette, Jedidiah Ayres, Josh Converse, Greg Bardsley, Hilary Davidson, Kieran Shea, Cameron Ashley, Patricia Abbott, Chad Eagleton, Jimmy Callaway, Steve Weddle, Keith Rawson, Anonymous-9, Jonathan Woods, Liam Jose, Dave White, and Chris F. Holm.
Gerald So has created a discussion list in Yahoo Groups to help writers, editors, and publishers spread information about reputable short story markets, including anecdotes of specific markets' editorial taste.
Sandra Seamans (via Patti Abbott) notes that Sean O'Kane, the editor of Plots With Guns, is looking to female crime fiction writers for more character-based stories and less shoot-em up stories.
Kerrie Smith's Mysteries in Paradise continues the EuroPass blog tour with a look at crime fiction in the Czech Republic.
The interview roundup this week includes author and law professor Alifair Burke from a Q&A with Jean Henry Mead, talking about Burke's two series with NYPD Detective Ellie Hatcher and Portland Deputy District Attorney Samantha Kincaid.
ThrillerFest 2012 is already open to registrations and adding to their lineup. In addition to ThrillerMaster Jack Higgins, 2011 ThrillerMaster R.L. Stine, Lee Child, John Sandford, and Ann Rule, D.P. Lyle adds that NASA scientists will also be on hand to discuss some cool scientific advances that will interest all crime fiction and thriller writers. If you register prior to September 30th, you can receive a conference discount.
Didn't make it to Bouchercon? You can listen to CD or MP3 archive recordings of most of Bouchercon's ninety-plus panels available from WW Tapes. (Hat tip to Peter Rozovsky from Detectives Beyond Borders.)
Love those! I enjoy following your posts on facebook and rss!
Posted by: 2012 Jordan pascher | March 10, 2012 at 08:25 AM